Monday, March 5, 2018

Macro Photography

Macro Photography- taking a photo of an image that is not easily visible to the naked eye, enhances the size of an object.
 1) Just simply use an SRL camera
2) use a diopter lens in front of your existing standard lens, giving you a degree of magnificationfbghdghg
3) you could buy a set of macro bellows and place them between the lens and body.

1) eyes
4)material of clothing
6)pencil tip

This is a good example of Macro photography because...
the subject is a bug and a bug is very wet
The background is blank focusing directly on the bug
The focus is on the bugs head, the smallest part of the bug.
The depth of field is good because the camera is up close.
The lighting of the photo is great because you can see the light reflecting off of the bug.

This is a good example of Macro photography because...
The subject is a Quarter and it is very shiney
The background is blank focusing directly on the Quarter
The focus is on the Quarters figure, the smallest part of the Quarter.
The depth of field is good because the camera is up close.
The lighting of the photo is great because you can see the light reflecting off of the Quarter.

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