Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Action Photography

Does the action photo show faces/emotion?  Yes and it proves many things more like success they have when they are dancing.
Does it show the ball/equipment being used? well in this case it would be figure skating so the the skates are the equipment.
Does it show people moving or do they just look like they are standing around? it shows them moving and the girl balancing on the ice while the gentlemen is holding her in the air but close to the ground
Does it have good lighting? yes the ice makes it brighter as well
Is it cropped to help focus on the subject in motion? yes its focused on the figure skater close the ground and you can see the guys skates
Is it focused or is it very blurry?  (For this project, some blur can be ok! Especially the if it's the object in motion!) focused in on the girl while the background of the ice is a little blurry
Was the panning technique used?  Yes.

1) Plan ahead
2) Pre-foucs
3) Shoot in short bursts
4) give the subject space to move
5) Get a fast memory card

My Attempt; 
1) I want to catch a nice picture of Mitchell Cook in action at a basketball game dribble down the court while catching players behind him making look like no one can guard him.
2) I want to catch my puppies in motion running away from each other to really show the distance they have in them by using a treat to get there action.
3) I want to use the library by the throwing a book across Mrs. Hayse Face catch that action with camera and see the book in motion and then in the back ground slightly blurry Mrs. Hayse face in shock
4) i would use the a basketball and i would be at an angle to catch the ball in the air but also the rim so the ball would be in motion so it would slowly go in.
5) go to a water fountain and use a water bottle and be at an angle to catch the water going in the bottle so it would look sweet.
One of the strengths in my action photo was.... Being able to catch Mitchell mid air while jelling and it actually isn't bad quality.  
One of the challenges for my action photo was... trying to capture Mitchell mid air we had to try this couple times,
In the future, I would overcome the above challenge by ... Trying to get better quality or maybe taking a video but then pause the video to where i can screenshot.

I chose these 3 subjects because... They are all different objects, and really meaningful to me. I actually do have a passion for photography in my near future.
I was challenged by ... Really just being able to get the picture i really liked and really focused as well. 
But, I overcame it by .... Simply just having the dedication to take the picture and being able to manage time to focus on school work.
My strength when taking these photos was .. 
In order to get the best composition, I... used my Phone to really capture every photo. in picture number i really used it because i had to cut out so of the photo to really use this nice picture i've had.
One of the ACTION PHOTO techniques we've learned in class that I used to accomplish this assignment was... the time management. also being able to capture the action photo is really cool if you get what you want.
If I could give advice to another student about this assignment, I'd tell them... Really take your time into this assignment because it actually is really entertaining. also used alot of rule of thirds in these pictures to capture what i wanted.

Side Note; is for the last picture i put the camera down by my desk and set a timer on the phone to walk past it and it captured me walking by has an example of action.

1 comment:

  1. Again, you can't be the subject of your own photo. Also, revisit your answers at the end of the post and revise them so they meet criteria.


Fun With Photoshop

Day 2  Day 3