Friday, March 2, 2018

Adjective Photo

I randomly drew ROUGH and SMOOTH
when i think of rough all i think of is rocks being rough and when i think of smooth is a nice new road that just got built in.
rough and smooth are way different from each other because of how things feel and look as far as peoples view of eye.
When i take this picture i will simply use rocks and a smooth road and really get the picture that fits with the words i'm using right now.

My plan for shooting these photos was .... my draw was rough and smooth so i had an idea to take a picture of smooth table and some nuts on the smooth surface to make it rough.
I was challenged by ... The focus of the camera and the angle to get the right picture.
But, I overcame it by .... really holding the device (phone)i took a picture with tightly and made sure it wasn't blurry.
My strength when taking these photos was ..catching the right angle and being able to use the surface
In order to get the best composition, I... titled the camera a little bit to the right.
One of the techniques we've learned in class that I used to accomplish this assignment was... Depth of field was really used and you can see the object up close but the blurriness is in the back.
If I could give advice to another student about this assignment, I'd tell them... it's that hard. manage time wisely.

1 comment:

  1. Please be diligent in using proper grammar and punctuation.


Fun With Photoshop

Day 2  Day 3