Thursday, January 25, 2018

The First Camera: images were also upside down though they could be traced to create accurate drawings of real objects such as buildings. 

The First Permanent Images: The first images were important because led scientist experimenting and finding a few things that were great for modern day.

Camera For Everyone:  it was the time of new generation and new beginnings such as as family pictures and adventure pictures

The Horrors of War:
 it was important because it gave away the graphic images of war and the aftermath. 

The Wonder of Instant Images:
 Polaroid was in affect and was very expensive back in the day which made the picture on spot 

Advanced Image Control: allowed for interchangeable lenses and other accessories.

Introducing Smart Cameras:
 compact cameras that were capable of making image control decisions on their own were introduced.shutter speed, aperture, and focus, leaving photographers free to concentrate on composition.

The Digital Age:

The first of these were point-and-shoot cameras that used digital media instead of film.
Though not everybody would agree, I want to argue that Advanced image control is the most significant step in the evolution of the camera.  
My first reason is ... allowed interchangeable lenses
A further reason is... other accessories 
Furthermore... it really gave a different view of Introducing Smart Cameras 
Therefore, although some people might argue that Advanced Image Control is not important I've shown that is because it improved the other qualities of the camera's

1 comment:

  1. Frankie,
    Your first post is complete with title, photo and explanation. However, your second post is missing a title, some information was copied and pasted and you don't make a strong argument as to which step is the most significant in the history of photo. To get full credit, make sure you complete all criteria. I look forward to working with you this semester and seeing what images you'll capture.


Fun With Photoshop

Day 2  Day 3