Thursday, April 26, 2018

Famous Photographer Research and Photo Remake

George Hurrell

-a slide about your photographer's life
-a slide about type of camera used/use of technology/techniques used

-a slide about subjects/focal points of his/her photographs (when, where, what, why, who, how, etc.)
-a slide with the photo you are going to remake (include date/title)
-a slide about why you chose this photographer (how you relate to his/her life, what piques your interest in his/her photography, why you selected this particular photo to remake, etc.)

Friday, April 20, 2018


1. graphic and detailed description, especially of a person 

Hard Light: Shadow

Soft Light; No Shadow

 Back lighting: Silhouette

Define Posed photography
the act or period of posing, as for a picture. 10. a position or attitude assumed in posing, really getting at the posed position is trying to make it look like a planned picture and a happy one.

Define Candid photography
it is captured without creating a posed appearance.

Is the photo posed or candid and how can you tell?  This Photo is posed. Planned to take this picture.
What is the person wearing? More of a Dressy type, more of a man and hes all about his business.  
Is he/she sitting, standing, laying, etc?  On what/where? standing, just on a regular walk way.
What is in the background? Lots of people and dimed lights but they are in a shadow.  
Was shallow or deep depth of field used? Shallow
What kind of lighting was used (back lighting/silhouette, spotlight/hard light, sunlight/natural light, etc.)?  Back lighting/ silouette. 
What other photography techniques did the photographer embrace to make this shot successful (contrast, framing, alternative angles, rule of thirds, etc)?  Rule of Thirds.  

Why did you choose to reflect on this photo vs. the others?  This Photo stands out to me because of the Student that helped me with this project actually looked good in this photo as well as having a good background.
Is this photo posed or candid and how can you tell? This was posed because of the way his posture is. 
If you posed your partner, what techniques did you use? i told him to sit up straight with his shoulders and chest  big and wide aside his shoulders poppin'
Did you use back lighting, hard lighting or soft lighting?  Why? No lighting.  
What did you use for a background?  Why? i used the beautiful white clouds going through the Hornets logo.  
What other photography techniques did you embrace to make this shot successful (contrast, framing, alternative angles, rule of thirds, etc)?  Rule of thirds because i have mitchell on one line also the logo in the background.
Did you like shooting portraits? yes i enjoy Portraits. Would you consider doing it again in the future? yes of course its a pleasure taking photos of others.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Reflections and Warped Images.

1. Using the lights of the reflection off the water
2. Using a regular Camera it looks like
3. Had to get the right angle
4. Its the perfect night time picture especially with the glowing lights

My Plan>
Is to get a glass or reflection piece to capture a picture of my dogs or to get by a little lake with some lights and capture the beautiful picture.

My focal point is ben in the middle of the glass container but i also like that you can see his face in the middle oddly shaped but also can see his body which is also funny. but this is a good picture for what we are learning today.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Mark Hirsch and Time Lapse Photography

i will be doing my beard to do this picture simply because it goes on a daily basis and will improve and you will see the difference day by day which i think will be cool because you will see how my body improves in hair in over a 2 week span.

Did the subject you chose work well for this project?  Absolutely because the subject of my 14 day eclipse photos are on my face and easily to take pictures. 
Did it change like you had anticipated?  If not, why?  you can't really tell exactly.
If you could give advice to someone doing this assignment in the future, what would it be? make sure to get a good angle and great lighting for this project.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Extra Credit-Best Photo from Spring Break

This is my best picture simply because it shows the feeling and what it feels like to be in Florida enjoying vacation and really seeing another view of life. But this explains and shows how the siesta key beach looked and you can also see and feel the vibe of this picture.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Playing with Panorama

Helpful hints; 
1) keep your camera at the same level
2) Overlap Frequently 
3) be careful with the super wide angle lens
4) check the scene for the movement
5) Look down, look up, look around

how to shoot with my device; 
1) Camera App is available
2) Tap the shutter button
3) swipe twice to get pano mode
4) tap the button or get a feel of the iphone to get good picture
5) tap shutter button again to end pano mode. 

This Pano mode is the cloning that i had some of my classmates particpate in and basically started the photo with them fighting each other and then had them run around me to capture them again to see the same fighting picture. I think this is cool because of my friends wanted to help me.

This is my focal point of jackson Just being lazy in class really trying to capture the view of the room and get the focal point done i think this is cool because gets the whole class.
This is my vertical view and really can tell the width of the picture of me and really cool to capture a picture of myself. Makes me look shorter than i am;(

landscape & Cityscape photography

What is the difference between Landscape and Cityscape photography? 
Cityscapes vs. Landscapes A landscape is visible features of an area of countryside or land (trees, grass, water, nature) with a lack of buildings and man-made structures. A cityscape is the visual appearance of a city or urban area. 

What is panorama/panoramic photography?

specialized equipment or software, that captures images with horizontally elongated fields of view. Both the aspect ratio and coverage of field are important factors in defining a true panoramic image.

What is the Golden Hour? 

 period shortly after sunrise or before sunset during which daylight is redder and softer than when the Sun is higher in the sky.
What is the Blue Hour?

which is the period just before sunrise or just after sunset when light is diffused and even.

Landscape Photography
1) Maximize your Depth of Field
2) use a tripod
3) look for a focal point 
4) Think foregrounds
5) Consider the sky 
I picked this picture because it is very beautiful and colorful although its not during the golden hour. it is during the blue hour but i think this picture was taking on another high point view mountain with lens that are wide and able to capture this view that is very unlikely to see every night .

1) Right After Sunset is a Fantastic Time for Cityscape Shots. 

2) Capture the Whole Skyline with a Wide Angle Lens 

3) Use Your Camera’s Self-timer and a Tripod for Crisp Results
4) Look for Those Leading Lines
5)Just like Rivers are Great in Landscapes, Fountains are Great in Cityscapes
Cityscapes2  I picked this photo simply because its beautiful and just an outstanding view and its during the golden hour but also can see the shade of the blue hour which is the opposite of golden hour but the photographer was definitely on top of another building taking this picture with an wide lens camera.

Where are you going to go? Siesta Key, Florida 
What will be your focal point? The waves of the beautiful blue ocean aside the sun being in the back ground.

What time of day?  Late when the sun is about to set.
From what angle?  An angle you can see the ocean and sand and sun.
What would be your choice of weather? Nice with sun.
Are you going to use panoramic mode?  Why or why not? i might but no technicality just want to take a nice photo of the ocean with everything else around it. 
Where/How could you utilize leading lines/rule of thirds/blue hour/golden hour/etc?   during the golden hour in siesta i will be able to capture the view.

Where are you going to go?  Siesta key, Florida
What will be your focal point? the nice city of the key west that is beautiful 

What time of day?  day time with hot weather and sun.
From what angle?  angle looking down.
What would be your choice of weather? hot and sunny.
Are you going to use panoramic mode?  Why or why not? i might depending on the value of the picture meaning if i get a good camera view.
Where/How could you utilize leading lines/rule of thirds/blue hour/golden hour/etc?  i will be using the rule thirds when i take this photo.

Where did you go to capture this photo?  I was located in Siesta key, Sarasota on the side of a bridge pass way
What was your focal point? The sun below the clouds and its ready to rest beneath our beautiful united States.
What time of day?  This was at 7:47 p.m. 
From what angle?  My phone was titled so was my body because of the great picture i got.
What was the weather? 68 no breeze  
Did you use panoramic mode?  Why or why not? No because of the perfect angle i had when i turned my phone.
Where/How did you utilize leading lines/rule of thirds/blue hour/golden hour/etc?  

leading lines is the bridge and the Palm Trees really centering the sun set. this is also taking during the golden hour. 

Where did you go to capture this photo?  I was in Sarasota, Florida
What was your focal point? The focal point is the beautiful city in the back ground of the beach.

What time of day?  This is at 3:21 which is a beautiful picture!

From what angle?  The angle of this picture was with my phone flipped around to capture the citing of my city
What was the weather? 84 and lovely.
Did you use panoramic mode?  Why or why not? No i did not the phone was able to catch everything.
Where/How did you utilize leading lines/rule of thirds/blue hour/golden hour/etc? 

i was bridge side catching this picture

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

So Far....

So far...this is my favorite photo because... It includes the rules of thirds concept and what we learned in class has taught me to use things such as that. but this picture really describing me praying to have a successful life and god telling me that people just pray on my downfall -_-_-
  So far...this is my least favorite photo because...  It really doesn't describe the leading line category i was supposed to do but you know pictures can also have a strong meaning but this doesn't because there's a wall to end leading lines. 

  So far...this was my most challenging photo because... The first photo i have in my blog this current blog is that it was challenging because i had to make sure the picture and i were a perfect fit for the rule of thirds! and also had to get the perfect angel. 

Fun With Photoshop

Day 2  Day 3