Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Depth Of Field

-What is Depth of Field?
the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera.
-What is aperture and what does it have to do with Depth of Field? 

open the aperture up and you will get less, close it down and you will get more
-What is shallow Depth of Field?  Are there other acceptable terms than 'shallow'?  
when its large and its used primarily to isolate the subject from its environment. portrait work, marco photography, and sports photography
-What is deep Depth of Field?  Are there other acceptable terms than 'deep'?  

when aperture is small so the image has deep depth of field.
-What can you do with your camera to create shallow or deep DOF?  It's different for digital cameras and smartphones.  

DOF i could take a picture of a long road while taking a knee.Shallow DOF i could take a really focused close up of a baseball.
                                                                                Deep DOF
                                                                         Shallow DOF

 This is Deep DOF of all he van shoes in the background and the single colorful shoe by itself really getting that all these shoes are sweet.
This is Shallow DOF really getting at that this is the best shoe in the combination and really brings out the shoes colorful really showing how much better of a shoe this is.

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